Starbucks and Sequins

Wenesday’s are typically my busy days. I babysit bright and early, intern all day, and then have a 3 hour night class. There’s nothing particularly bad about Wednesday’s, they just seem to drag on for hours and hours. For my internship, I knew I would be sitting in meetings all morning so after I got the kids on the bus I made a quick pit stop at Starbucks and then headed off to my meetings. Yesterday also happened to be a very gloomy day (as is today) and so I decided to wear a sequin skirt to brighten up the dullness outside. And therefore yesterday was deemed a Starbucks and Sequin Day.

PicMonkey Collage

Yesterday was also a rest day from anything fitness related. I really missed being able to get a workout in because I feel that I have a better perspective about life and myself after I workout. Today I will be on the elliptical for one more day to give my hips a rest and then tomorrow I am back at running. Would it be weird to talk on the phone while I elliptical? I can’t decide if that’s a fitness center no-no or if it would be ok. I guess I’ll decide how I feel later! There is also a yoga class I want to attend tonight but with my hips being funky lately I feel like that’s probably not a good idea so I will save that for next week. Good thing I already have a date planned with one of my friends to come with me! Thursday’s are typically my easy days with school and what not so I am definitely looking forward to breezing through the day and having minimal things to do tonight.

Today is another gloomy day outside so my plans to walk downtown and get a chai have been crushed. I guess that means I just have to get moving a little bit quicker so I have time to drive down there. I hope Thursday treats you well!

Last week in review, moving week, a coffee shop

Summer CollageSo here is quick overview of last week. We played at the pool, went to a really fun museum in downtown Milwaukee! I am a sucker for a city view but could never live in the middle of a big city. I’m back to wearing my boot at night time 😦 and I had more Starbucks than I’m afraid to admit because I was not sleeping much at all last week so thus Iced Latte’s became my lifesaver.

Onto today, it’s moving week so I am beginning to feel the pressure a little bit! I would love a day off, but now I have a wedding to pay for so in that case I will be working as much as possible. Last night’s run was good. Just an easy 5 miler but my stomach was a little off so I’ve been trying to eat mellow foods today so my run later on goes good. I was thinking of going right at 5:15 just to get it out of the way but knowing myself that won’t happen. I have 6 miles plus strength today.

This morning, Devyn had school for an hour so I was able to go to a coffee shop and eat my breakfast in peace and enjoy my coffee rather than slurping it down on my way out the door. I can’t tell you how great it felt. I left feeling relaxed and happy! I wish every morning could start like that but unfortunately that would get pretty pricey and not be as relaxing over time. Plus there is something so nice about snuggling up in bed with a warm mug of coffee too, its just that lately that hasn’t been able to happen.

java house

Tonight will consist of packing, cleaning, running, and hopefully watching the Bachelorette from last night!

What moving advice do you have for me?

My dream bike

Starbucks helped me get my day started this morning which was a definite plus! I instagrammed a picture of my latte because it made me happy.


Then, I had a bunch of school work and classes today. And finally, it was time for practice! I ran 5 miles today, averaging 8:15 pace. It felt good but the weather definitely helped with that. I was a shweaty mess after the run and here is a not so beautiful but oh so lovely sweaty picture!


And finally..I found my dream bike. I want an old style, relaxed bike that would hold a basket perfectly in the front and Target has one that I love! The yellow color is pretty awesome too! I picture myself riding to the farmer’s market and library with fun things in the basket! It’d be a sight to see. I emailed my dad to tell him to keep his eyes peeled for a good deal on a cool bike like this one! He thought I was crazy!


Rain and a Friendship date


(Ignore my bright red face)

This week it has rained all day, every day! I had a nice run in the rain with my running buddy and best friend. She is majoring in Exercise-Physiology so she knows all the good stuff about exercise and running.

I love rainy days when I get to lie in bed all day, drink coffee/hot cocoa/tea/wine whatever the day brings, but I hate rainy days when I have to run errands all day and I forget to wear my rain boots. Heaven forbid I forget those babies! I have had this chill from my run all day.

Now we are off to dinner and then grabbing a warm drink from Starbucks and wondering around Target for awhile. Its the perfect Friendship date night 🙂

Happy Friday officially now!